Whether it’s a category review, business plan, sell sheet, custom reporting system or infographic, we help you stand apart from the competitors. We use a collaborative approach during our consultative session to uncover your key business issues and opportunities, then work to deliver solutions that meet your needs and improve your financial performance.
Category Management Services
Shopper-centric category management
We start with traditional category management data, then overlay shopper insights to provide a holistic view of shopper behavior.
Customer specific category loyalty programs
Enhance your understanding of the shopper’s purchase dynamics, product incrementaliy and store-level performance.
Merchandising architecture services
We are experts in providing completely integrated solutions–from store layout to data analysis.
Process + Design
SMART consultative engagement session
A collaborative approach to uncovering client’s key business issues.
SMART helps tell your story
Tell your story through impactful creative visuals for buyers, distributors or stakeholders.
Application Design + Reporting
Use SMARTdock2.0 for customizable reports
Web-based applications that allow clients to access customer specific data in easy-to-use, customizable reports
Keep your activities OnTrack, powered by SMART
A comprehensive communication portal to inform vendors of important activities throughout the category review process.
Market Research + Insights
SMARTgauge: Fast answers to your specific business question
This fast and affordable survey provides direction to one specific business question without breaking the bank.
Snapshot: Quick feedback to guide decisions
Quickly assess how people will respond to a marketing idea; react to a name, visual or theme; and understand what will resonate positively with your buyers.
Path-to-Purchase: Custom survey maps shopper journey
Helps your business understand the relevant points of influence along the shopper’s purchase journey.
In-store intercepts: Onsite interviews with shoppers
Interviews conducted in-store with shoppers at a targeted location. Ideal for impulse purchases and understanding what motivates the shopper to buy.
ShopperCast: Custom survey + shopper videos
SMART ShopperCast provides videos of targeted shoppers paired with a SMARTgauge survey to provide quantitative findings.
Shopper consideration path + aisle flow assessment
Assesses your shoppers’ key decisions in aisle and provides insight into the attributes that influence them to purchase.
PriceGauge: Find your ideal pricing strategy
Determine what product claims contribute the most value to your product’s price. Learn why price range offers the highest potential profit without turning away buyers.